Friday, October 06, 2006

Heeb magazine was really a waste of a tree. It seemed to almost make a mockery out of Jews and Judaism in general. It definitely was not a magazine that really tried to connect with the religious aspect of Jews. To me it was not a magazine that I would even consider reading unless I had to. There was nothing in the magazine that I could relate to. If I'm going to buy a Jewish magazine or newspaper, I want it to be a magazine or newspaper that I can relate to, or has articles that could help strengthen my Jewish identity or Jewish connection. With the Jewish Post and Opinion there are articles not just about Israel, but about real people trying to live Jewish lives. They also have articles that challenge people's opinions on Jewish subjects. I would like a magazine or newspaper that was more geared to how to remain a Jewish life in college and hear stories about other college students struggles.


At 9:45 AM, Blogger l said...

I too think that calling Heeb magazine a "waste of a tree" is a bit much... Heeb magazine targets a specific interest about Judaism and just because it is not your interest does not by any means mean it is a waste. Keeping an open mind when looking at such pieces of cultural literature can really help you to delve deeper into the true meanings of why it exists, why it NEEDS to exist.

At 12:00 AM, Blogger Lainna said...

sorry you all feel that way....but I still think it's a big waste of a tree, and I don't really need your validation for that, nor do I think it is correct of you to tell me how valid my opinion is. Heeb magazine provided absolutely nothing for me except complete embarrassment. To me it is not literature, it's a big joke and waste of time.


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