Imus is a link to a letter from the ADL to Imus, a radio host who apparently made anti-semitic remarks on the air last week. Apparently this is not Imus' first offense, if you look in the box that says "related media" there is a link to another letter written to Imus in 2004 about anti-semitic remarks he made then. If Imus seems to be a repeat offender of making anti-semitic remarks, do you think that any action should be taken? In the 2004 letter the ADL writes "We realize that your show often uses humor to debunk stereotypes by poking fun at them, and we do have a sense of humor." Do you think that if Imus had been Jewish the reaction would have been different from both the audience and the ADL? I am not sure how I feel on this because I think the tone at which Imus said what he said could really effect how it comes across. Is it okay for anyone who is not Jewish to use Jewish stereotypes as humor? I'm still not sure how I feel about it! I mean isn't it really hypocritical to tell one person not to make antisemitic remarks for humor and then allow someone else to do so because they are Jewish. Or perhaps it is okay because it is just like when someone makes fun of themselves, its an attack on something they understand or where they are coming from.
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